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Medical Debt Collection Defense
In New York City

Are You Trapped by Medical Bills?


For more than a decade, Tariq Law, P.C. has been a beacon of hope for individuals overwhelmed by life-altering debt. Many times, unforeseen events such as heart attacks, car accidents, or prolonged illnesses can ignite a vicious cycle of debt. These events not only bring emotional pain but can often prevent individuals from working, leading to unmanageable medical bills. Even upon returning to work, the mountain of debt may seem insurmountable, leaving people trapped in a relentless cycle of financial stress.

If you or someone you rely on for support finds themselves suffocated by medical expenses and harassed by relentless creditors, it's time to seek professional assistance. At Tariq Law, P.C. our New York City debt collection defense attorneys are not only empathetic to your situation but will also tirelessly and assertively defend your rights and interests.

We recognize the urgency of your situation, and we're committed to fighting for you. Our legal team understands the gravity of creditor abuse, and we're prepared to leverage our extensive experience to bring you the relief and peace of mind you deserve.

Debt Collection Defense Lawyer in NYC

Navigating overdue bills and attempting to negotiate with creditors, collection agencies, or medical facility billing departments is a road that many travel, hoping for understanding and assistance. However, they often encounter a wall of indifference and soon realize that they are up against an unyielding system with nowhere to turn.

It's crucial to recognize that mistakes are not uncommon within these processes; messy and inaccurate records can be exposed and leveraged to challenge the claims against you. That's where the expertise of a seasoned lawyer becomes invaluable, knowing precisely how to utilize such information to your full advantage.

Debt collection is more than just a practice; it's a thriving industry today. Those pursuing payments from you are backed by professional legal teams working to ensure their success. It's time to level the playing field. With Tariq Law, P.C., you can arm yourself with the legal support necessary to stand strong and assert your rights. We are here to balance the scales in your favor, bringing you the expert guidance and robust representation you need. Contact us right away to help resolve your situation.

Defend Yourself Against Medical Debt Collection In NYC: Protect Your Finances And Your Health
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99 Park Ave Suite 1100
New York, NY 10016

(212) 804-9095

© 2023 Tariq Law PC


99 Park Ave Suite 1100
New York, NY 10016

(212) 804-9095


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Tariq Law, PC. is located in the heart of New York City at 99 Park Avenue, footsteps from the iconic Grand Central Terminal in Midtown Manhattan. We serve clients primarily in New York, New Jersey, and in federal courts across the United States. 

In order to evaluate your particular circumstances, please reach out to us to schedule an individual case review.  Using this site or communicating with an attorney does not establish an attorney-client relationship, which can only be established in writing signed by the lawyer and the client. 

Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.  This website is for informational purposes only.

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